Saturday, July 11, 2009


The state of Arkansas ranks among the top three states for domestic homicides in America. Surprisingly, it is also the ranked first in the domestic violence homicides of African American women in the United States.

Lacking in funding and resources, the organizations assisting both sexual assault and domestic violence victims are forced to turn away hundreds of victims every year. There are no health care statutes for domestic violence screening and protocol and no insurance discrimination laws making the availability of health care to victims difficult to obtain. There are also no laws for those who become unemployed to due domestic violence. Victims who must leave their jobs to save their lives and the lives of their children are not eligible for benefits making it impossible for many to leave their circumstances.

DEMi calls on the people of Arkansas and America to stand up and fight against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Pass legislation that matters and will make a difference in these victims lives and save the lives of these victims. Stand with DEMi today and say, "We are standing up for those who cannot."

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